Tuesday Prayer – 20+ Tuesday Morning Prayer For Blessings

Does Tuesday morning prayer bring success and blessings? Tuesday Prayer are usually the best as it brings out the good things Lord has for you.

According to the scripture: (1 Thes. 5:17–19.) Pray without ceasing,” Paul said; “in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit.”

As you go through our new week prayer from Monday to Sunday, ensure you pray every day without ceasing.

Powerful Tuesday Prayer & Tuesday Morning Prayer

Tuesday Prayer
20+ Powerful Tuesday Prayers For Blessings

1. Father God, you have dawn us to you through your holy spirit, in every way draw us closer to you, increase in us the desire to know you more, a desire to pray, a desire to intercede, a desire to love, a desire to live a life with your purpose. Encourage us through your spirit so that we can encourage those around us and give a reason for our hope in Jesus name, Amen.

2. Father God, You are all knowing, nothing surprises you, we however are certain often especially now viruses, riots, protest, food and shelter, insecurities shake us. We pray that you would heal those that need healing, ease tension where understanding and love are lacking, bring comfort and provide for needs where provisions are needed, we pray all these in Jesus name Amen.

3. Jesus we pray today for all those suffering from mental health issues, Lord, whether they have been suffering from past experience or if it is a new phenomenon for them because of the situation we find in our world, we pray may they be surrounded by your spirit and by a support system that can walk with them in Jesus name Amen.

4. Dear lord, I praise you and I thank you for all the goodness in my life, every good thing in my life is from you father God, I surrender my life into your loving hands. Please continue to change me and mold me into your vessel, I do believe that you will always have the best for me, thank you for saving me and restoring me through your son Jesus Christ, Amen.

5. Jesus, we have so much uncertainty in our lives, family, health, jobs, government and the list continues. We hold fast to the fact that nothing is unknown to you, keep us by your spirit in that confidence, encouragement and peace, give us the strength to lean on you and you only, no other can bring the certainty of hope that you alone bring in your name we pray, Amen.

6. Lord as the season begin to change, let us look to you for our hearts to change, let hatred, bitterness and anger fail like leaves, in there place let hope, faith and love abound in Jesus name, Amen.

7. Jesus you have come to give us freedom, give us wisdom and discernment to recognize the sin that keeps us from our freedom, give us the strength and courage to stand against compression in all forms in Jesus name, Amen.

8. Dear God, today I give you all that I am, I invite you into the weak places in my life so that you can turn them into strength, Amen.

9. God our Father, thank you for the beauty of creation and the good things you have given us, help us to begin this day joyfully in your name and to spend it in loving service of you and our fellow man, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

10. Dear Lord, here’s our Tuesday morning prayer request, help us to remember that when we are unable to focus our hearts and minds in prayer,  the holy spirit holds us and prays for us.

11. Dear heavenly father, thank you for our life, health and strength, food, clothing, shelter and also for waking us up in our right minds, we pray for a miracle to take place this Tuesday morning for anyone who may be lacking some of these blessings.

12. Lord may nothing separate us from you today, teach me how to choose only your way today so each step will lead me closer to you, help me walk by the word and not my feelings, help me keep my heart pure and undivided, protect me from my own careless thought, word, actions and keep me from being distracted from my wants, my desires, my thoughts on how things should be, help me to embrace what comes my way as an opportunity rather than a personal. I recognize your love for me is not based on my inconvenience, you love me warts and all, help me to remember what a gift it is to sit with you like this in Jesus name, Amen.

13. Dear Lord, please stand before me as I know you always do and help me find peace, strength and balance in my life. Thank you for all you have given me, I am truly blessed and I pray in your name that I can get through this troubling times as I will continue to seek your guidance, with that I can accomplish and accompany anything in Jesus name Amen.

14. I decree and declare that I am designed to succeed and be victorious by God, I declare victory over my life in the name of Jesus. No matter what the set backs looks or feels like, I must win and the enemy shall not prevail in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

15. Heavenly Father, this is a new day in my life, everything is under your control and guidance, I pray you will instruct and teach me in the way I should go. Father, thank you for all the blessings in my life, thank you for your beloved Jesus who carries my burden daily, I take the yoke of Jesus which is light and easy, I love you and praise you in Jesus name, Amen.

16. Lord I awake this Tuesday morning to experience another day, thank you for everything you have bestowed on me, you have given me a wonderful and caring family, during my life,I have met some of the loyal and trustworthy friends, I have no one else to thank for those gifts except you, please watch over all of us as we go about our day, Amen.

17. Dear heavenly father, Thank you for waking us up this morning and allowing us to see one more dawning, I say thank you God. For showering us with your abundant blessings how we thank you.

Lord you know and understand all that we are going through, we thank you in advance for answered prayers, great is thy faithfulness. We place our lives in your powerful hands and depend on you to help us stand in Jesus name Amen.

18. Loving God, give me the grace to find your Joy wherever I am and to celebrate your Joy in all ways, Amen.

19. Heavenly Father, we know that we are a special people recreated in Christ Jesus, that we will do the great things you have prepared for us, we pray that as we continue our work with you, we will also be a blessing to those we meet today. Let the light and love of Jesus shine on brightly within us that on outside it will illuminate for all to see. We want to be that who others can look at and just know that Christ lives in us, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

20. Dear Lord, I am asking you to guard every step me and my family takes today, guard our body, our hearts and minds, lead us to yourself and protect us from evil in Jesus name, Amen.

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Pray these Tuesday morning prayer and God in his merciful will answer all your Tuesday prayers if you pray this prayers with faith., he will surely answer you.

For psalm 50:15 says: Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”

Significance Of Tuesday Morning Prayer?

Tuesday morning prayer is a time to set the tone for the new week blessings ahead.

It is an opportunity to seek guidance, strength, and peace from God. It can also be a time to give thanks for the blessings in our lives.

Praying on Tuesday mornings can also help to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase focus and productivity
  • Improve relationships
  • Strengthen faith
  • Promote peace and well-being.

Are There Resources Available For Tuesday Prayer?

Yes, there are many resources available to help you with Tuesday morning prayer. Here are a few suggestions:

  • The Bible
  • Devotional books
  • Prayer websites and apps
  • Prayer groups

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