Monday Prayer – 20+ Monday Morning Prayers That Open Doors

Start praying for this early morning Monday Prayer so that you can make your day and the rest of the week fruitful.

It’s true that as each day passes by, it brings us closer to a New Week and From our previous article where we shared some Powerful New Week Prayers that will make a turn around in your life, we decided to add some daily prayers starting from Monday Prayer to Sunday Prayer.

Monday Prayers Christians Should Pray From Monday Morning.

Monday Prayer
Monday Prayers For This Week That Open Doors

1. Heavenly Father, You know everything about us and You know the concerns of our hearts and the worries that we are facing today. You know that we do not have the strength to go on alone. I come to You now with nothing to offer but my trust in You that You will never leave me nor forsake me.

I humbly ask that You will pour into our hearts that peace that passes understanding so that in Your strength we can face today been Monday with hope in our hearts – knowing that Your grace is sufficient for Your power is made perfect in our weakness. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

2. Dear Lord, king of glory, I thank you for a new week and I thank you for making me see today been Monday, I pray that you will continue to be in my life and my length of days in Jesus name Amen.

3. Dear God, I pray these Monday prayer to break every chain in my life. Heavenly Father, many of us have been confronted with so many situations in our life and circumstances that had previously affected our parents and grandparents. I plead for Your Holy Spirit to bind and break the strongholds of these generational curses.

Purge and destroy these weaknesses that have been passed through the blood from generation to generation. I ask for Your help Lord, in breaking the chains that have held me and my family captive and in bondage. In Jesus’ name, i pray, Amen.

4. Spirit of the living God, I pray that you will raise your people to be kings in the earth and to occupy significant places of the earth so they can shape and determine the course of life in Jesus name, Amen.

5. As today Monday marks beginning of a new week and a new day, we pray with gratitude from our hearts, thank you Lord for blessing us and keeping us, thank you for your goodness and mercy in Jesus name, Amen.

6. Sovereign Lord, my creator, thank you for the blessings of this new day and the gift of life. Into your presence I commend this new day and into your able hands I ask you to lead, guard, guide, shine your light upon me and remember me in Jesus name Amen.

7. Dear Lord, thank you for this new day, I ask you to renew my heart with your strength, forgive me the errors of yesterday and help me to walk closely with you today, please take my hand for I cannot make it by myself, Amen.

8. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespassers, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and glory, for ever and ever, Amen.

9. Dear lord, thank you for this day, I ask that you go before me today and every day this week. Please help me remember all the things you have brought me through in the past, help me to remember you have not brought me this far to fail me or abandon me now, help me to be strong in your power and might, help me to walk confidently in your truth so I can have faith without fear, trust without hesitation, calmness in the face of stress and your peace no matter what I face, In the name of Jesus I ask these things Amen.

10. Dear lord, please help me to place all my hope in you this Monday morning, help me to be encourage in my faith as I look forward today when all pain and death will cease, thank you for giving us freedom through Jesus Christ our savior, Amen.

11. Dear God, as I step out from my house this Monday morning lord, wherever I am, I pray that your love be with me, wherever I go, I pray that you will protect me, whatever I do, I pray that Joy will fill my heart in Jesus name, Amen.

You can check out the rest of the weeks prayer:

12. It’s a new Monday morning, I thank you God for waking me up today, I will put my trust in you alone, bless me to rejoice, pray, give thanks, be kind, love and work hard in Jesus name, Amen.

13. O Lord, our rock and redeemer, there is no one like you for you alone is god, as you have called the whole church to be your witnesses, proclaiming to the world the good news of him who has been prophesied since ancient times, give us all boldness to declare your salvation and sow the seeds of your words wherever we go, Amen.

14. I pray this Monday prayer to you o Lord, I confess, I am a candidate of success, this week I shall succeed where others fail, I am a success and not a failure in Jesus name, Amen.

15. It’s another week oh Lord and I thank you for it, please go before me and open impossible door for me in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

16. Dear God, if am wrong, right me, if I’m lost, guide me, if I start to give up, keep me going, lead me in light and love, Amen.

17. Dear God our creator, you gave us earth to cultivate and the sun to serve our needs, help us to spend this day for your glory and our neighbors good, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reign with you and the holy spirit, one God, forever and ever, Amen.

18. O holy spirit, descent plentifully into my heart, enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and Scatter there.

19. Lord send the power of your holy spirit upon us that we may remain faithful and do your will in our daily lives, we ask this through Lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with you and the holy spirit for ever and ever, Amen.

20. Lord Jesus, your love and mercy knows no bounds, give me strength when I am weak, hope when I am discouraged, peace when I am troubled, consolation when I am sad and understanding when I am perplexed. Make me an instrument of your love and peace to those who are troubled and without hope, Amen.

21. God, it can feel so easy at times to half heartedly serve you instead of whole heartedly loving you, please forgive me. Please change me and teach me how to truly love, mercy and obedience, I want to acknowledge you as lord of my life and I want live differently because you are the Lord of my life in Jesus name Amen.

22. I look forward to a great accomplishment this week, but I can’t do it on my own, I need you God to please help me God in Jesus name, Amen.

23. Father, please release your peace, provision and protection over our week. Block every plan of the enemy and open the flood gates of blessings upon our lives in Jesus name, Amen.

24. Dear Lord, please guide us this week, help us to remember that you have forseen every obstacle and hazard, every stressful situation and every difficult encounter. You have promised your grace will be sufficient and your strength will see us through, may we face this week with hope, joy and peace in our heart knowing you are fully in control and you are still on the throne, thank you for not leaving us nor forsaken us in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

25. Dear lord, I ask that you go before me this week and make every rough road smooth,may your joy be our strength and your peace fill our hearts in Jesus name, Amen.

Here are some additional tips for praying on Monday mornings:

  • Find a quiet place where you can be alone with Go
  • Take some time to reflect on your week ahead
  • Be specific in your prayers
  • Pray with faith and believe that God will hear you
  • Give thanks for your blessings
  • Express your gratitude to God for all that he has done for you
  • Ask for God’s help in areas where you need it most
  • Be patient and persistent in your prayers

Don’t give up on praying, even when it seems like God is not answering your prayers.

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