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What Are The 100 Names Of Jesus In The Bible

What Are The 100 Names Of Jesus In The Bible

The Bible uses many names and titles to describe the names of Jesus Christ just like it uses many bible verses to tell the different 70+ names of angels. These names and titles reveal different aspects of his identity and mission. Some of the most common names and titles for Jesus include:

Jesus – This is the name by which he was known to his friends and followers. It is a Hebrew name that means “Yahweh saves.”

Christ – This is a Greek word that means “Messiah.” The Messiah was the one who was promised to the Jewish people as their deliverer and savior.

Son of God – This title emphasizes Jesus’ divinity. He is the Son of God in the sense that he is fully God and fully man.

Lord – This title shows that Jesus is worthy of our worship and obedience. He is the Lord of all creation, both in heaven and on earth.

Savior – This title reminds us that Jesus came to save us from our sins. He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and he rose from the dead to give us eternal life.

These are just a few of the many names and titles that are used to describe Jesus in the Bible but that’s not all here are also 100 names of God in the bible and meanings you should check out.

Each name and title reveals something important about who he is and what he has done for us.

Here are some other titles and names of Jesus:

Adonai – This is a Hebrew word that means “Lord.” It is used to show that Jesus is the supreme authority over all creation.

Alpha and Omega – These are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Jesus is called Alpha and Omega because he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega of all things.

Bread of Life – Jesus is called the Bread of Life because he gives us the spiritual nourishment that we need to live.

Good Shepherd – Jesus is called the Good Shepherd because he loves and cares for his sheep. He is the one who leads us to safety and provides for all of our needs.

I Am – This is a name that Jesus used to reveal his divinity. He is the one who is, who was, and who is to come.

Lamb of God – Jesus is called the Lamb of God because he was sacrificed for our sins. He is the one who takes away the sins of the world.

Messiah – This is a Hebrew word that means “anointed one.” The Messiah was the one who was promised to the Jewish people as their deliverer and savior. Jesus is the Messiah who has come to save us from our sins.

Prince of Peace – Jesus is called the Prince of Peace because he brings peace to our hearts and to the world. He is the one who will ultimately defeat all evil and bring about a new heaven and a new earth.

Redeemer – Jesus is called the Redeemer because he has redeemed us from our sins. He has paid the price for our sins and has made us right with God.

Savior – Jesus is called the Savior because he has saved us from our sins. He has died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and he has risen from the dead to give us eternal life.

Son of Man – This is a title that Jesus used to refer to himself. It is a messianic title that emphasizes his humanity. Jesus is the Son of Man who came to earth to save us from our sins.

Word of God – Jesus is called the Word of God because he is the one who reveals God to us. He is the one who speaks God’s truth to us and who shows us the way to salvation.

Emmanuel: Meaning “God is with us” in Hebrew, this name emphasizes Jesus’ incarnation and the presence of God among humanity.

Rabbi: This title signifies Jesus’ role as a teacher and leader, indicating his wisdom and authority in matters of faith and doctrine.

These are just a few of the many names and titles that are used to describe Jesus in the Bible.

Each name and title reveals something important about who he is and what he has done for us.

What Is The Real Name Of Jesus?

Jesus’ real name in Hebrew was Yeshua, which means “Yahweh saves.” The name Jesus is the Greek translation of Yeshua.

The name Christ is a title that means “Messiah.” The Messiah was the one who was promised to the Jewish people as their deliverer and savior. Jesus is the Christ who has come to save us from our sins.

The name Yeshua was a common name in Jesus’ time. It was the name of several other people mentioned in the Bible, including Joshua, the leader of the Israelites after Moses.

Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, were both Jewish, so it is likely that they named him Yeshua because it was a common and traditional name.

The name Jesus became more popular in the Christian world after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is now the most common name for Christians around the world.

The Holy Name Of Jesus

The Holy Name of Jesus is a term used by Christians to refer to the name of Jesus Christ.

The name Jesus is considered to be holy because it is the name of the Son of God. Christians believe that Jesus is the one who saves us from our sins and that he is the only way to eternal life.

The Holy Name of Jesus is often invoked in prayer and in other religious rituals. Christians believe that the name of Jesus has power and that it can be used to bring about healing, protection, and other blessings.

The feast of the Holy Name of Jesus is celebrated on January 3rd. This feast day commemorates the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary that she would conceive and bear a son, and that she would name him Jesus.

The Holy Name of Jesus is a sacred and important name to Christians. It is a reminder of the love and mercy of God, and it is a source of hope and strength for those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Why You Should Pray In The Name Of Jesus?

In the name of Jesus” is a phrase that is often used in Christian prayer and worship.

It is a way of invoking the power and authority of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he has the power to heal, forgive, and save.

When we pray “in the name of Jesus,” we are asking for his help and intervention.

The phrase “in the name of Jesus” is also used in exorcisms. In an exorcism, a Christian minister or priest will pray to Jesus to cast out a demon from a person who is possessed.

The minister or priest will often use the phrase “in the name of Jesus” to command the demon to leave.

The phrase “in the name of Jesus” is a powerful reminder of the love and mercy of God.

It is also a reminder of the power of Jesus Christ to heal, forgive, and save. When we pray “in the name of Jesus,” we are placing our trust in him and asking for his help.

What Are The 100 Names Of Jesus In The Bible

Here are 100 Jesus names you should know:

  1. Advocate
  2. Almighty
  3. Amen
  4. Apostle of our Profession
  5. Atoning Sacrifice for our Sins
  6. Author of Life
  7. Author and Perfecter of our Faith
  8. Author of Salvation
  9. Beginning and End
  10. Bread of God
  11. Bread of Life
  12. Capstone
  13. Chief Cornerstone
  14. Chief Shepherd
  15. Christ
  16. Creator
  17. Deliverer
  18. Eternal Life
  19. Everlasting Father
  20. Faithful and True
  21. Faithful Witness
  22. Firstborn From the Dead
  23. Gate
  24. Good Shepherd
  25. I Am
  26. Immanuel
  27. Judge
  28. Lamb of God
  29. Light of the World
  30. Lion of the Tribe of Judah
  31. Living One
  32. Living Stone
  33. Lord
  34. Lord God Almighty
  35. Lord of All
  36. Lord of Glory
  37. Lord of the Sabbath
  38. Man from Heaven
  39. Master
  40. Mediator of the New Covenant
  41. Mighty God
  42. Morning Star
  43. Offspring of David
  44. Our Husband
  45. Power of God
  46. Prince of Peace
  47. Prophet
  48. Redeemer
  49. Rose of Sharon
  50. Savior
  51. Seed of Abraham
  52. Servant of the Father
  53. Son of David
  54. Son of God
  55. Son of Man
  56. The Amen
  57. The Alpha and the Omega
  58. The Bread of Life
  59. The Christ
  60. The Comforter
  61. The Counselor
  62. The Dayspring
  63. The Deliverer
  64. The Door
  65. The Eternal God
  66. The First and the Last
  67. The Firstborn of All Creation
  68. The Firstborn from the Dead
  69. The Good Shepherd
  70. The Great High Priest
  71. The Head of the Church
  72. The Holy One
  73. The I Am
  74. The Image of the Invisible God
  75. The King of Kings
  76. The Lamb of God
  77. The Light of the World
  78. The Living Bread
  79. The Living Word
  80. The Lord God Almighty
  81. The Lord of Lords
  82. The Lord of Hosts
  83. The Lord of the Sabbath
  84. The Man of Sorrows
  85. The Mediator
  86. The Messiah
  87. The Mighty God
  88. The Morning Star
  89. The Only Begotten Son
  90. The Prince of Peace
  91. The Resurrection and the Life
  92. The Rock
  93. The Savior
  94. The Shepherd
  95. The Son of David
  96. The Son of God
  97. The Son of Man
  98. The Word of God
  99. The Wonderful Counselor
  100. The Word

These are just a few of the many names and titles that are used to describe Jesus in the Bible.

When I Speak The Name Of Jesus

There are many times when Christians speak the name of Jesus. Some of the most common times include:

In prayer. If you read on the 3 examples of how to pray to God we shared previously then you will agree with me that when Christians pray, they often pray in the name of Jesus. This is a way of acknowledging that Jesus is the one who intercedes for us before God.

In worship. When Christians worship God, they often sing songs that include the name of Jesus. This is a way of praising God for who he is and what he has done.

In evangelism. When Christians share the gospel with others, they often mention the name of Jesus. This is a way of introducing people to the one who can save them from their sins.

In times of need. When Christians are facing challenges or difficulties, they often call on the name of Jesus for help. This is a way of trusting in him to provide for their needs.

There are many other times when Christians all hail the power of Jesus name. However, these are some of the most common times.

When Christians speak the name of Jesus, they are acknowledging his authority and power.

They are also expressing their faith in him and their trust in him to meet their needs.

Here are some specific examples of when Christians might speak the name of Jesus:

  • When they are feeling lost or alone. They might say, “Jesus, I need you.”
  • When they are facing a difficult decision. They might say, “Jesus, help me to know what to do.”
  • When they are struggling with sin. They might say, “Jesus, forgive me.”
  • When they are celebrating a special occasion. They might say, “Thank you, Jesus, for this day.”

No matter what the circumstance, Christians can always find comfort and strength in the name of Jesus.

Conclusion On The Names Of Jesus

The names of Jesus are a rich and varied tapestry that reveal his identity and mission.

Names Of Jesus
What Are The 100 Names Of Jesus In The Bible

Each name has its own unique meaning, and together they paint a picture of the one who is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

The name Jesus is a Hebrew name that means “Yahweh saves.” It is the name by which he was known to his friends and followers.

The name Christ is a Greek word that means “Messiah.” The Messiah was the one who was promised to the Jewish people as their deliverer and savior. Jesus is the Christ who has come to save us from our sins.

The other names of Jesus reveal different aspects of his identity and mission. For example, the name “Son of God” emphasizes Jesus’ divinity.

He is the Son of God in the sense that he is fully God and fully man. The name “Lord” shows that Jesus is worthy of our worship and obedience.

He is the Lord of all creation, both in heaven and on earth. The name “Savior” reminds us that Jesus came to save us from our sins.

He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and he rose from the dead to give us eternal life.

The names of Jesus are a powerful reminder of who he is and what he has done for us.

When we call on his name, we are acknowledging his authority and power. We are also expressing our faith in him and our trust in him to meet our needs.

The names of Jesus are a gift to us. They are a way for us to know him better and to grow in our relationship with him. They are also a way for us to share the good news of Jesus with others.

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