Good Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend Success

Prayer For My Boyfriend: These prayers are definitely for people in a relationship and as a couple you might be wondering what type of prayer is good for my boyfriend?

You can start by praying a new week prayer for my boyfriend, new month prayer for my boyfriend or morning prayers for my boyfriend success.

The Bible commands us to pray for one another, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

Therefore as a couple, if you pray with faith and with pure heart, it shall come to pass For the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16).

15 Powerful New Month, New Week, Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend Success

Prayer For My Boyfriend
New Month Prayers For My Boyfriend, New Week Prayer For My Boyfriend, Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend Success

1. Dear God, surround my boyfriend with honourable men who encourage him to be faithful  on his walk and hold him accountable when he falls, may his close friends be prayerful and give him mentors who speak life into him, may their wisdom help him grow into the man who you called him to be, I also pray you reveal yourself to him and guide him through the right direction, give him desire to be a great leader and boyfriend, fill his heart with Joy, today I pray he feels covered and gets a sign his girlfriend loves and cares for him in Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

2. Dear God, please bless my boyfriend, protect him and provide for him, let him know peace while with me, give him brain to think that I love him, give him eyes to see that I’m prettiest, ears to listen to whatever I ask of him, mouth to always shun those bitches, give him hand to hold me close, heart occupied by me, above all give him money for us to be happy in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

3. Heavenly God, full of grace, bless my boyfriend sexy face, bless his hair the way it curls, keep him away from other girls, bless his little nose and toes and keep him safe wherever he goes, bless his arms so big and strong and help him keep them where they belong, bless his eyes that shines like stars and keep his mind on me, bless his body the way it smells, Lord he isn’t shy, he got his fault and so do I, bless him lord for he’s my guy, Amen.

4. Father you are the giver of strength, you said in your word that you are the one who teaches hand to make war. On that basis, I pray these morning prayer for my boyfriend that you strengthen him in his time of weakness, remind him that you are everything that he needs to be strong in the face of despair, Amen.

5. Lord Jesus, it’s a new month, a new week, a new day for my boyfriend oh Lord, as he steps out of this morning, I pray that you may connect him with his destiny helpers in Jesus name Amen.

6. Dear God, as I kneel down to pray for my boyfriend may you uplift him and make him successful Lord, as I kneel down to make this prayer for my boyfriend, God may you open doors that no man can ever close in his life through Christ our savior Amen.

7. Dear lord, I lift up my boyfriend to you right now, I pray that you may anoint him with strength, I pray that he would carry a smile on his face, I pray that you would send him encouragement throughout the day and use me to affirm him, bless my boyfriend in great ways, increase his faith and confidence in Jesus name Amen.

8. Dear lord, thank you for my boyfriend, thank you for his heart, his determination, his joy and love for me, I pray in everything I do that I respect him, please help me to do this. Sometimes my attitude leads me into selfish responds that I know hurt him, help me to have self control over my emotion and respect him as my boyfriend. Direct me God, put affirming words on my tongue and admiration in my eyes, let your holy spirit transform me and may you guide our relationship in Jesus name, Amen.

9. Dear Lord, I pray that my boyfriend is covered your wings today, give him guidance, protection, wisdom and ways of escape from any temptation today Amen.

10. Lord, I place in my boyfriend a new heart and a new spirit, move him to follow your will and your ways, please give my boyfriend peace of mind as he deals with stresses of life, give him clarity and wisdom as he makes decision for himself and our relationship, remind him that no matter what comes his ways you lord are able to help him, strengthen his desire to grow and develop in you, in your presence and work in obedience in your word, Amen.

11. Psalm 125:1 says: Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.

Lord please I pray this prayer for my boyfriend to trust in and rely confidently on you lord with all his heart and nor rely on his own insight or understanding in Jesus name Amen.

12. Lord Jesus, this is a prayer for my boyfriend, please protect him mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually as he goes into the world.

Make a man of integrity, infuse him with wisdom and intelligence, I pray for my boyfriend success, put a generous spirit within him and fill him with love, peace and joy.

Surround him with godly people and shape his personality into a strong, godly leader in our home and our community, give him eyes that look to you as a servant look to the eyes of his master, fill his eyes with ever deepening love for you, for me and for all the people around him through Jesus Christ our savior Amen.

13. Dear Lord, I surrender my heart to you, I give you all my boyfriend disappointment, pain and suffering which you alone can understand, please give him the strength to move forward in life Amen.

14. Dear Lord, my relationship is yours and I submit it to you, may you help me in my role as a girlfriend, be a woman of virtue, of patience and of love, I pray that my relationship would reflect your great love by the way we treat each other.

I pray that my boyfriend and I will not seek to benefit ourselves but each other, and that we wouldn’t seek to fulfill our own wills but rather strive together to fulfill your will. I pray for my boyfriend, may you strengthen him as he leads our couple lives, bless him, encourage him and feed his soul, I pray that we would intentionally invest into our relationship daily, growing together in perfect harmony in Jesus name Amen.

15. Lord I make a new month prayer for my boyfriend, a new week prayer for my boyfriend, and a morning prayer for my boyfriend success today, I pray that you block problems, send blessings and show him favor and also keep him covered through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Prayer For My Boyfriend
New Month Prayers For My Boyfriend, New Week Prayer For My Boyfriend, Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend Success

Kindly note that Praying for your boyfriend is a wonderful way to express your love and support for him.

Our 100+ Good morning prayers for my love can help build a strong connection in a relationship and can also help you to feel more connected to him, even if you’re apart.

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