Prayer Before SleepingNight Prayer Before Sleeping

You can Pray this powerful night prayer before sleeping which will serve as a protection against evil forces that operates at night.

Prayer before sleep is an important part of many people’s lives. It can help to quiet the mind and prepare the body for rest.

Some believe that prayer can also have a spiritual benefit, helping to connect with God or a higher power.

Whatever your beliefs, there are many prayers that can be said before sleep, including traditional prayers, or prayers written specifically for this purpose.

You will agree with me that prayer before sleeping prevent bad things from happening to you at night, it sheilds you from robbery, witches and wizards and other blood demons that operates at night looking for who to suck their blood and life.

Also praying before sleeping can help to keep you calm and protect you from having a bad dream at night like eating in the dream, swimming or having s£x in dream. Check out list of our 20+ dream interpretation, meaning and answers.

With our collection of 20+ powerful evening prayer before sleeping and this 30+ Good night blessings prayer and quotes, it will help to drive every negative energy away from you.

20+ Short Evening & Night Prayer Before Sleeping

Prayer Before Sleeping
Night Prayer Before Sleeping

1. Dear Lord, please clear away the effects of trauma and sadness from my thoughts, cellular memory, my heart, mind and body in Jesus name, Amen.

2. Dear Lord, thank you for this day and all that was in it, please watch over us as we sleep and send your Angels to watch over those we love.

We ask that you would help everyone that has trouble sleeping for whatever reason, please bring healing for the physical, mental and emotional pain that causes sleepless nights.

Please meet each need and may we wake up refreshed, please hear my cry as I pray this prayer before sleeping in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

3. Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, as am about to sleep, be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide in Jesus name, Amen.

4. Father, forgive me for taking the thoughts about these matters I am facing now, I refuse to worry and carry the cares about them and I connect with victory Jesus already provided, I release my faith and i recieve the great light that destroyed the enemies power in my life in Jesus name I pray, Amen

5. Dear Lord, you are the God we sees all things, you never sleep or slumber, you see all who are having trouble sleeping, you know each one by name and all who are struggling with worries and anxious thought, you see each one dealing with health issues and pain that won’t allow them to sleep, please touch each person reading this as only you can and in every way they need. You are the great physician, our burden bearer, prince of peace, may all who are weary and heavy laden find rest, relief and peaceful sleep tonight in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

6. Lord, as we now lay our heads to the softness of the pillow and cut up the warmth of our beds, we give you thanks for the Blessings of having a roof above our heads. Thank you for being with us today, keeping us safe and secured under your watchful care while we are sleeping, may the harms that prowls in the nights not reach our tents and disturb our rest as we pray this prayer before sleeping, Amen.

7. Lord, my soul and body are exhausted and weary, I’m desperate for rest but cannot sleep, my future is fogged up with uncertainty, my mind feels like a hurricane, Lord am scared.

The outcome is out of my control and that terrifies me, but I believe that you are Lord even over my worry, please meet me here in my anxiety and doubt, please help me rest tonight, trusting that you will be enough for tomorrow, strengthen my faith, help me be confident that when the waves are higher, your faithfulness is greater in Jesus name, Amen.

8. Dear God, you are all that I need and because of you, I am content and enjoy what you provide for me even when the future seem uncertain and scary, thank you that in all the changes, you never change. Thank you for always going with me and leading me, Heavenly Father I trust you always take care of the details, nothing escape your loving notice, you are faithful and always good to me in Jesus name, Amen.

9. Father God, thank you, your eyes are upon us and we are safe in you by night and day for the darkness and light are both alike to you, thank you for you are our shelter, our keeper, protecting us from all dangers, thank you for a refreshing rest and sleep in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

10. Lord I pray this prayer before sleeping that anyone who is reading this, hug them as they are sleeping tonight, heal every pain and broken memory, restore any lost time and bless them with a new hope that will never fade, keep them safe in their sleep and wake them up with indescribable Joy in the morning in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

11. Father, bless this house and those within, bless our giving and receiving, bless our words and conversation, bless our hands and recreation, bless our sowing and growing, bless our coming and going, bless all who enter and depart, bless this house, your peace impact through Christ our Lord, Amen.

12. Father, teach us what it means to have faith in silence, when we face trial that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace, help me be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer, remind us to wait patiently and find peace in your plan through Christ our Lord, Amen.

13. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Lord, we thank you for this day which comes to a close. If we did not live up to your expectations, we humbly ask you to forgive us. Console our regrettable moments.

Despite our failures, we thank you for the happy occasions, for the work accomplished, for the people met, for the prayers answered.

May the worries and concerns of this day teach us confidence, our carelessness more vigilance, our errors more discernment, our haste more reflection.

We pray for all the people we have met today, We offer you the work accomplished : may it bear fruit. Thank you Lord for your presence by our side, even if we did not notice, it brought us to this moment. We ask each other forgiveness in order to welcome your peace. We thank you for our family reunited, safe and sound and even saintly and saved! through Christ our Lord, Amen.

14. As I lay down to sleep tonight Lord, I pray that I can rest in your peace, I pray this night darkness will not feel me with more fears, I ask that no evil come over me while I rest, help me to let go of the chaos and noise in my life tonight, help me to sought through all of the obstacle I face today, let my soul rest knowing that you will take care of all my battles, hear and answer my night prayer before sleeping in Jesus name, Amen.

15. Heavenly Father, I ask that your mighty hand give me weary bones rest so I can be still with you, may I surrender all of my anxieties, I want to let go all of my concerns, help me give you all of my fears then I can sleep peacefully tonight in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

16. Lord, as I pray this evening prayer before sleeping, I choose to let you take care of tomorrow, I choose to sleep with you being alive and well in me, I choose to believe and trust you always restore me as I sleep, let my eyes close with your promises of love and care deep within my heart in Jesus name, Amen.

17. Lord Jesus, please remind me that the safest place for me is in your presence, you are the God of grace, you know my thoughts, wishes and desires, you know what makes me weary and filled with fear, you understand my despair and catch all of my tears, I will rest tonight knowing that you are taking care of everything for me, a new start, a new gift from you, you are my constant hope and provider, tomorrow I will be victorious and Blessed by you in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

18. Heavenly Father, my day is drawing to an end and I’m ready to turn in, but before I do, I have to thank you for your faithfulness today even when things may not go the way i planned but because you are in control for all the times I was aware of your help, all the times when your unseen presence seems so near, thank you God, forgive me for any foolish action on my part today or things I did without first asking for your blessings, I never want to go to bed without clearing air between us, our friendship means too much and your holiness deserve that. As I close my eyes to sleep tonight, I’m praying for loved ones, for friends and those who need to know you more, I’m praying that your love like the billions of star in the night sky outside protect and help them see who you really are in Jesus name, Amen.

19. Magnificent father, we thank you for the blessing of this day and your goodness in it, we are grateful for the gift of life, thank you for all that you have allowed into our lives these past hours and the good along with the hard things. All of these have reminded us how much we need you and rely on your presence filling us every single day.

Thank you for your great loving care, thank you for your mercy and peace, thank you that you are always with us and will never leave us, we ask for your huge peace to surround us tonight, all of us who feel worried and restless right now, those who has been carrying big burden and shouldering stress, help us to lay it down before you again even though we are struggling to really let go, remind us that you can carry it so much better than we ever could in Jesus name, Amen.

20. Father as my day comes to an end, I first want to thank you for providing my daily bread, thank you that I had all I really needed today, thank you for your protection and grace, thank you that I have a bed to sleep in when others are not fortunate, I place my heart and soul in your loving hands tonight father, you are my refuge, as I lay my head down, instill in my heart your promise that I do not need to worry about the lies ahead of me tomorrow, for you already have tomorrow planned for me, you are already there.

Help me to sleep peacefully as I pray this prayer before sleeping with the promise in my heart that you bless the man who trust in you, whose hope is in you, I ask that you forgive me tonight father in thought and in dead, may your presence surround me this evening as I invite you into my peaceful creating a safe and holy place, protecting me from harmful thought and dreams in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

Certainly, here are 10 Most powerful prayers you can say before going to sleep:

1. Dear God, I thank you for this day and for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Please forgive me for any sins I have committed and help me to do better tomorrow.

2. Lord, please watch over me and my loved ones as we sleep tonight. Keep us safe and protected from all harm.

3. Heavenly Father, please grant me a peaceful and restful sleep tonight. Calm my mind and soothe my soul.

4. God, please guide me in my dreams tonight and help me to find answers to any questions or concerns I may have.

5. Father, please help me to let go of any worries or anxieties that may be weighing on my heart. Give me peace and comfort.

6. Lord, please help me to wake up tomorrow with renewed strength and energy to face the day ahead.

7. God, please bless all those who are suffering tonight. Provide them with the healing and comfort they need.

8. Heavenly Father, please bless my family and friends and keep them safe and healthy.

9. Lord, please give me the courage and wisdom to face any challenges that may come my way.

10. God, I entrust my life to you. Thank you for your never-ending love and mercy. May your will be done in my life always. Amen.

Benefits Of Prayer Before Sleeping?

Prayer Before Sleeping
Good Night Prayer Before Sleeping

There are many benefits to praying before sleeping, including:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety: Prayer can help to calm your mind and body, and release the day’s worries and anxieties. This can lead to a more restful night’s sleep.
  2. Increased gratitude: Prayer can help you to focus on the positive aspects of your life, and to express gratitude for the blessings you have received. This can boost your mood and overall well-being.
  3. Stronger spiritual connection: Prayer can help you to feel closer to God or a higher power. This can provide a sense of comfort and peace.
  4. Improved sleep quality: Praying before bed can help you to relax and fall asleep more easily. This is because prayer can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and to promote a sense of calmness.

Here are some tips for praying before sleeping:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed.
  • Set aside a few minutes each night for prayer.
  • Focus on your breathing and relax your body.
  • Express your gratitude to God for the blessings in your life.
  • Share your concerns and worries with God.
  • Ask for God’s guidance and protection. Check out this powerful 25+ prayer to the holy spirit for guidance.
  • Close your prayer with a feeling of peace and contentment.

By Prayers For Faith

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