13+ Morning Prayer For Work & Morning Prayer Before Work

As you are going to your various places of work, ensure to pray this powerful morning prayer for work and short prayer before work.

As we begin a new day of work, let us take a moment to pray for guidance, strength, and peace.

We ask that God be with us throughout the day, helping us to make wise decisions, to work with integrity, and to serve others with compassion.

Reading from our previous articles where we shared some prayers which you or anyone else can pray before anything just like prayer before sleeping, prayer before class starts, prayer before surgery and much more.

Who Can Pray This Prayer Before Work?

  • If you are going to work then you should pray this prayer before work,
  • If you are looking for work then you should pray this prayer for work.
  • If you need a promotion at your working place then this prayer before work is for you.

Once you found yourself in a working place either as an entrepreneur or a salary earner, this powerful morning prayer before work will go a long way at your working places.

13+ Powerful Prayer Before Work & Morning Prayer For Work.

Prayer Before Work
Morning Prayer Before Work & Morning Prayer For Work

1. Heavenly Father, thank you for the life that I have, thank you for all your blessings. Father as I start my work today, may you guide my words and actions, I lift everything to you in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

2. Lord Jesus, thank you for this beautiful time of being with you. As I start my day, I pray that I learn to accept people the way they are, to be a caring, compassionate and respectful person especially with those I find difficult to agree with.

Help me to appreciate family and friends more than I do now, help me be a better person in all that I say, see, hear and act upon. May your blessings overflow in abundance on those who are part of my life and upon me in Jesus name, Amen.

3. Lord, it seems as though our lives are test after another, weighing us down in somebody’s balance. As we go to our different working places, we pray this prayer before work that we may reflect the best of the work we have done and the best of the teaching we have received through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

4. Dear Lord, today I offer you myself, come breathe your life into my working day as I pray this prayer before work, cause me to awake, to embrace the moment and go in your name today, thank you that I can run without fear, save with kindness, and walk with you in great adventure in Jesus name, Amen.

5. Lord Jesus, as I go out to my working place, I pray that your love be with me, wherever I go I pray that you protect me, whatever I do, I pray that your joy fill my heart in Jesus name, Amen.

6. Father, thank you for being our provider, today we pray this prayer for work and all those looking for work that you give them patience, wisdom and opportunities. Provide the Job you have for them quickly and strengthen their faith as they wait on you in Jesus name, Amen.

7. Lord please hear my short morning prayer for work as I face this day, I turn my face to your’s that I may taste, feel and see you today.

Lord I thank you for the work you are doing in life, I surrender every part of my being to you, thank you for transforming me as I keep my heart and mind stayed on in Jesus name, Amen.

8. Heavenly Father, as we finish out the work week, our hearts are filled with comfort and great peace, we can honestly say that you are a loving and faithful God.

I plead by the precious blood of your son Jesus over all my friends and family today, I ask that you would take away any fear or anxiety they may have and give them peace. Bless your people today financially, physically and above all spiritually as the holy spirit continues to lead our way in Jesus name, Amen.

9. Heavenly Father, thank you for the work I do, thank you for giving me something to do so that I am not late, thank you for everything that you given to me through work, I pray for your ever presence at my workplace, be by my side in every activity that I do there.

Do not allow anyone to retard my progress in my workplace, help me be respectful and grateful to work, let me be a good example to those who follow me in Jesus name, Amen.

10. Dear Lord, as I continue to seek for Job, I patiently wait for your answers and all my hope is in you for I know it will work out because you are working on my behalf, thank you Lord.

11. Father God, thank you for completing what you started in my life, I trust that no matter how things may seem, you are my shining light of hope.

I pray this morning prayer before work that you may go behind the scenes of my workplace to carry me through to the place of victory in every area of my life through Christ our Lord, Amen.

12. Dear Lord, I thank you for the morning blessings and night blessings that you have bestowed even though that I am undeserving.

As I stand in your presence today, I pray for your blessings upon my life today, give this day my daily bread and my work, my studies and my family. May all that I lay my hands on to be successful in Jesus name, Amen..

13. Dear Lord, I pray for those that are needing hope, strength and encouragement, please minister to them now. I pray that you would work in their hearts, dry their tears, take away their fears, be their healer, comforter and provider.

You know who is struggling and you know each one by name, please have compassion and mercy and may they feel your presence like never before in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Why It’s Very Important You Pray This Morning Prayer Before Work

According to the Bible at 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 17 says, pray without ceasing and If you are looking for something that can improve your workdays, you don’t need to look far.

Prayer Before Work
Morning Prayer Before Work & Morning Prayer For Work

Daily morning prayers before work can do wonders for you and your colleagues, which is why you need to fit a short prayer into your routine before you start your day.

Morning Prayer For Work With Reference On Bible Verses

  • May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands (psalm 90:17).
  • You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours (psalm 128:2).

As you pray this prayer before work, believe In the lord to do something great in your workplace and ensure you always pray the Lord’s Prayer for they have proven to be a powerful morning prayer for work.

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